Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Top 6 Ways to Promote Restaurant’s Positive Reviews in Your Marketing Strategy

July 12, 2021

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Article Overview

10min read

Reviews have always been significantly crucial in the restaurant industry. Although at present, they have gained more prominence due to customers’ ability to review a restaurant on the internet and influence many people. According to research, over 58% of customers reported they use reviews to select a restaurant to dine in, at least a quarter of the time or more, with an estimated 36% using them to aid their decision half the time or more. They are a powerful marketing tool as it provides a brilliant opportunity to increase profitability, create brand affinity and improve customer satisfaction. 

Restaurant consultants believe that when you receive positive reviews, it indicates to consumers that you provide high-quality food and service. Therefore, it is vital to understand the perceptions about your food establishment and employ marketing strategies to improve ratings and reviews. We will examine some of the ways you can do this in this article. 

Build an excellent presence online

The most common method people use to search for new restaurants is online. Therefore, you should ensure that you have the necessary accounts on social media and review websites set up, and keep them updated with accurate information. If the information available is wrong, your customers may not be able to find you. They will also not be motivated to review your restaurant if they think your online platform is irrelevant. By building an excellent digital presence across multiple platforms, you will leave a good impression on consumers and encourage positive reviews. 

Respond to all reviews

When you respond to reviews, it indicates to the customers that you value their patronage and care about your establishment’s reputation. You should ensure that you reply to positive and negative reviews, expressing gratitude to those who are satisfied and offering apologies to those who complain and resolving their problem. Businesses that respond quickly to negative reviews show that they care about the feedback of their patrons and are more capable of building a loyal customer base. 

Boost reviews from loyal customers

A solid customer base can be a vital asset of any restaurant as they will provide positive reviews. Most of them may already be involved in word-of-mouth recommendations, as they have already established a strong bond with your restaurant. By asking them to post their feedback online after completing their meals, you will be more likely to receive a positive review. To ensure they follow through, you could send a single text or email to remind them. 

Provide incentives to customers who post reviews

Incentives are a brilliant way to encourage more reviews; however, they should be done carefully. Restaurant consultants recommend providing vouchers or deals to customers who post detailed reviews of your restaurant with images. To those who are unsatisfied, providing complimentary meals or a discount could allow you to erase their previous experience and replace it with a more positive one, thus allowing you to retain them. Loyalty programs could also encourage repeat customers and consistent feedback, so they are suitable for rewarding reviews without significant cuts to profit. 

Use positive reviews to recruit more talent.

When you incorporate positive reviews in your advertisements for job recruitment, you will be able to stand out from other employers. As they indicate, you offer a high quality of service and are beloved by customers; you can attract a larger pool of potential recruits, many of whom may possess significant talent and experience. In turn, this will lead to an increased quality of service and more positive feedback, starting a cycle that could benefit your establishment significantly. 

Repost user-generated content

Customers enjoy having their feedback heard and given attention, and the best way to do this is to repost their content related to your restaurant and share their reviews on your social media accounts. You have to make sure to tag them so they are notified and will be able to share and respond to your post. By posting their content, you will encourage more reviews and attract a broader range of customers. 

Encouraging positive reviews can be made easy with the above tips. By including them in your restaurant marketing strategies, you will receive more feedback and build a credible and strong presence in the restaurant industry. Thus, attracting new customers and retaining old ones.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
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