Be Unique

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Scroll down to read about the frequently asked questions from our customers in the past. Or for further information, feel free to call us directly on +971 4 380 5077 to learn more about our services.

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Why should Be Unique manager my Facebook Account?

Be Unique is singularly qualified and has managed numerous Facebook advertising campaigns.  We have a proven performance and methodology which will save you time and money otherwise spent on attempting to figure out the best practices. Our goal is to implement successful practices to get your Facebook account off the ground.

Where should traffic be directed from Facebook ads in Dubai?

Traffic will be directed to internal Facebook pages and external websites. We will ensure all actions on your Facebook is kept track of, and will direct users to your website in order to subscribe, fill out a form or make a purchase.

Can I track my ROI?

The conversion tracking code on Facebook can be used to track return on investment and the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. It will track the number of people that clicked on your ad, and visitors navigating your website on a daily basis. Also, leads, sales and revenue too can be tracked with the conversion tracking code.

How will you target my Facebook ads in Dubai?

The biggest strength seen coming out of Facebook is how granular its approach is when targeting an audience. Our goal is to bring in the target demographic to your doorstep. We can target users according to age, gender, location, relationship status, interests and even language. Facebook is one of the easiest ways to reach out to an audience that may even be out of your grasp. We make this process effective and a success for your business.

Tell me about direct response ads?

Direct response ads are showcased as display ads on Facebook. Direct response ads can be used in numerous ways to generate leads and bring about conversions. We believe it is a powerful Facebook tool and one that can be used to benefit your business. We also use CRM lists, email lists and custom audiences that may have purchased on previous occasion to create an audience with the right demographic for your business.

Will I know which device my users use and convert on?

Be Unique has the expertise and ability to optimize your Facebook advertising campaign to whichever device your potential customers are on. We will track them through the marketing funnel, and we are masters at Google Analytics so you can be certain we will give you accurate and timely data from beginning to end.

Speak To Our Facebook Specialists Today

Talk with one of our certified marketing professionals about how to get more out of your marketing online.



    Call: +971 4 380 5077

    Office 1 & 72, Oasis Center, UAE

    Abu Dhabi

    Call: +971 2 409 3226

    Office 274, 36th Floor, Eithad Tower, UAE

    New York

    Call: +1 212 763 0058

    26th Floor, 373 Park Avenue, NYC, USA

    Speak To Our Facebook Specialists Today

    Talk with one of our certified marketing professionals about how to get more out of your marketing online.

      Speak To Our Specialists Today

      Talk with one of our certified marketing professionals about how to get more out of your marketing online.

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