Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Do You Want To Know How To Use Google AdWords To Reach Your Audience?

June 14, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads ManagementServices

Article Overview

10min read

Did you know that out of the hundreds of people who visit a website, only a handful convert? This sounds like pretty bad news. Unfortunately, it is true. However, there is nothing wrong with it. A conversion rate at 10% is considered to be good. What about the rest of the 90%? Marketers in general let this prospective number disappear. We are here to tell you not to. Keep at this number and see how many you can get to convert. Give them another chance. You will have to do a little more research and planning, but we think it will be a worthwhile deal.

You have to present your Google AdWords campaign to this prospective number. The repeat exposure of the ad will hopefully change their minds the second time around. How can you showcase your ad better than you did the first time?

– Offer a free trial

– Let them peek at the benefits they may have missed out on seeing

– Increase the discount offer

– Show a changing timeline on the ad to create a sense of urgency

Use image ads to display your message. When you are re-marketing your AdWord campaign, you should favour image ads as people are drawn more to images than text based content. Re-marketing is all about jolting the memory of your viewers. They have already seen the ad, but for some reason decided to move on. They do remember it vaguely but it is up to you to re-brand the ad and give them something specific and clear to come back to the ad the second time. This makes image ads critical. They will recognize the ad quicker, and the more quickly they remember the better chances you have of converting them.

If someone has seen your ad but abandoned it halfway through, you shouldn’t be showing them a generic version of the ad again. It is time to offer them a new version. However, not a version that is brand new they imagine it is a completely different ad. It is once again re-branding your Google AdWords management strategy that will make your followers more likely to convert.

You may wonder if re-marketing your ads will get you anywhere. It certainly does because these followers have already visited your web page and demonstrated an interest in what you have to offer. Very few marketers are doing this today. They seriously forget about the rest of the group, thinking it wouldn’t amount to anything. Marketers take note, at least a few more prospective customers are likely to convert if you push a little and stalk them with the same ad in a brand new light.


Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads ManagementServices
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