Google Mobile First Indexing
January 30, 2017
Article Overview
10min read
We at Be Unique are always learning and researching about the latest trends, news and information released by Google to always aim at starting at the top of all the news being released – as a result keeping our clients at the head of the game. One of the latest updates is related to mobile websites and how this is impacting Google’s algorithms even more than desktop versions. Prior to this announcement, Google reviewed desktops first for search engine rankings. The system how now changed with more and more people using their mobiles on the go. A recent study forecasts mobile related search will overtake desktop searches by 2018. Google too is preparing for this massive change. It indicates Google would prefer that websites are mobile friendly or contain accelerated mobile pages.
Let’s look at the world we exist in and how it is already turning into mobile first. For many of you, this means you wake up in the morning and first look at your mobile, everything else is forgotten in that moment. You go to bed at night with the mobile still beside you. It is part of your daily routine, and you don’t even realize it. The mobile is used as an alarm clock, to check your messages, emails and even read the daily news. This has not escaped Google. Search engines are seeing a dramatic shift in queries from mobile users.
With Google’s announcement last October that they will be experimenting with mobile first indexing, you should be asking these questions. Is my site mobile friendly? You maybe ready to welcome mobile visitors with open arms, but is your site optimized, is the content appropriate and will it lead to increased conversions?
With Google looking at mobile first indexing, there’s much you need to know as a marketer. This status is currently in testing mode; however, you need to prepare for a world that is seemingly dominated by mobile first. We have listed some key details below.
What do AMP and Responsive Design mean?
Regardless of technology, mobile friendly sites impact businesses everywhere. Google has stated responsive design is their preferred method for mobile friendly sites as it can adapt quickly to a mobile visitor. However, you can have a separate mobile version of the site itself.
Accelerated mobiles pages or AMP are looked at as mobile content. If your website displays AMP pages, it will be indexed as mobile first by search engines.
How do you arrange content on desktop vs. mobile?
Mobile based content will be shorter than content used for desktop style websites. You should ensure your content remains authoritative in its context, just as engaging and interesting but it can be in short-form. Marketers can utilize content in the form of audio and video which may turn out to be a better experience for your users. As you may very well know, people love watching short clips on their phone. If you have content that will not work on mobile devices, it is time to replace them.
What are the factors that are crucial to mobile first indexing?
1. Site Speed
Site speed is important but none more so than it would be on a mobile site version. You need to be aware of content volume and how much content is appropriate on the mobile site. If not, it can directly impact user experience and have terrible repercussions for your business.
2. User interaction
Take note of user engagement. If a user visits your site and is in and out within the first few seconds, you should know they didn’t have a good experience or didn’t find what they wanted. On the other hand, if the visitor stays on for longer, clicks on various links, engages with resources and other information you know they are interested and engaged. Look at that one page and consider the experience had by the user. This is what a mobile first world looks like, the user travels between pages with lightening speed.
While these updates are being actively discussed, take a step forward to learn more about mobile first indexing, get involved in the discussion and above all we encourage you to make your site appear mobile friendly.