Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Top Tactics To Improve Instagram Engagement

July 10, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices

Article Overview

10min read

If you are already on Instagram, and have not seen an upward trend on interaction and engagement, it is time to do something about it. As much as you want to operate on social media platforms, if it is not doing much for you in terms of your business then it becomes a total waste of time. However, with Instagram currently standing at 400 million users, you can turn your fortunes around. Here are top tactics to get Instagram advertising off the ground.

Tactic #1

Interact with your followers, it is a must. Like and comment on a person’s picture, it doesn’t have to necessarily be someone that follows you. Seek people who may not be your followers, they can be followers of your own followers, friends and other individuals. Take the time to build your community. Make it seem like you are starting something special. Create a sense of partnership with your followers. Make them feel like they belong. This may take time and effort. You can ask fan questions, take behind the scenes photos or post little videos answering some questions. Start little campaigns. Post a poll, ask followers to guess something. This all helps increase brand awareness.

Tactic #2

Research indicates the more visually creative your images are the more likely they get shared. However, don’t stick to just posting images randomly. Post images that will interest and engage your followers. Make your images authentic, original and of value. Tell a story through your picture, it can express an emotion or represent an idea.

Tactic #3

Sometimes an Instagram account needs a bit of love and attention. This is where the role of influencers is pivotal. Influencers have highly engaged audiences, and this aspect will serve you well. Look for influencers in your industry and start building partnerships. This is a win-win situation for everyone. Influencers will not only help you reach their audience, but also new audiences outside of your niche and demographic.

Tactic #4

Your followers are key to helping you make it in the industry. They are your brand ambassadors. They represent you. Ask your followers questions, have an open and communicative relationship with them. Get your followers to post images and videos promoting your brand. Share the spotlight with them. You might want to reward their efforts. Use brand specific hashtags to increase brand awareness. Brand hashtags helps locate and promote content posted by users.

Tactic #5

Be assertive. Everyday brands bombard their followers with ads. You have but a few seconds to gain the attention of customers. You need the right audience and the right message. If you want your followers to take action, ask them.




Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices
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