Why Marketers Need To Make Instagram A Viable Platform For Their Business?
January 9, 2017
Article Overview
10min read
Today social interaction is done mostly online. It is with quick words and creative visuals. You may be snapping a selfie at a party or sending a quick photo to a friend and within minutes your newsfeed is buzzing. The rise of visual creative is none so apparent than it is on Instagram. With not many businesses taken to Instagram yet, it is a competitive advantage for your company. The rise of Instagram is astronomical and it is huge because people are connecting through images alone. What a way to capture the attention of people and retain it.
With immense growth visible on Instagram, marketers have raced to target this audience. There is a pre-existing audience, you just need to know the art of getting them onto your side. To make Instagram work for your business you need to create the right images and compelling taglines.
Instagram images are powerful compared to generic photos. It allows you to share your image across multiple channels and not have to stick to just one. This increases cross channel engagement. For instance, if a customer is browsing your site, they may not follow you instantly. But, if they check your gallery on Instagram and like what they see, the connection becomes instant. Or alternately, a customer following you on Instagram may not have seen your website before, but will take a look out of curiosity.
With businesses crunched for time, reusing images on Instagram to distribute amongst other marketing channels will save you the trouble of having to create more content. This makes Instagram an easier to use social media network than even Facebook or Twitter.
Instagram followers are the most engaged of the lot. They will keep coming back for more. The most engaged traffic is found on Instagram, this itself is good enough reason for your business to have a presence on the site. For instance, if a customer buys from you and follows you on Instagram, they are likely to become repeat customers, as they will regularly see images of your product or service.
It is up to your business to keep this engagement going. You can participate in this interaction. Get to know your followers. What are their likes, dislikes, what other social networks are they on, what time of day and so on. The better you know your followers the easier it is to cater to their requirements.
Make Instagram exciting for your followers. Hold contests and giveaways ever so often. This gives your business an opportunity to stay engaged and followers something fun to do. Give a prize at the end of it; it is likely your audience will be clamouring to win it. The more you interact with your audience they learn to trust your brand. It will create more credibility and trustworthiness. This strong foundation will keep your followers in the fold, leading to brand loyalty.