Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Keep Up With The Latest SEO Trends

March 9, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine Optimization

Article Overview

10min read

Do you know on average, how many web searches are performed each month? 12 billion! SEO is increasing in its importance as it helps gain visibility, drive quality traffic, give your business credibility and boost your brand to greater heights. It is all about businesses marketing your products and services to improve search engine rankings. Do you know the major SEO trends nowadays? There are new trends today that were not seen just a few months ago. This is how often trends change and marketers need to know how to keep up. Let’s look at some of the hottest SEO trends, ones that will rock your business towards success.

Content from social media which include Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are gaining prominence on search engine result pages. Already marketers are using social media platforms to boost SEO. It is likely marketers are aiming to make tweets and Facebook posts rank higher on search engine result pages. It is predicted that social media content will merge with web content blurring the lines of the need to separate these two SEO strategies. Business owners should be prepared to find valuable social media content to optimize your website to gain maximum visibility. For brand names, some of the top results for search engines include social media profiles. You can see this for yourself by typing out a brand name on Google and have the Facebook page, LinkedIn page and Twitter profile of the company appear.
Videos are still an excellent way of keeping your followers entertained. Audiences need to be engaged all the time. They will lose interest in your business otherwise. Videos help improve search engine rankings. Statistics indicate videos garner 40% higher click through rate when compared to plain and static text content. Your SEO Company can use this opportunity and showcase interesting and engaging videos. All video searches make up 62% on overall Google searches.

Mobile optimization is crucial. Your business website should be mobile friendly and this is a fact. Your audience no longer sits in front of the computer all day long. They are constantly on the go. People use tablets, laptops, mobile watches and smartphones to browse the internet. Brands became mobile friendly in 2015 due to this very fact. However, in 2017 if you are still contemplating a mobile friendly website, it is time to get a move on. Mobile optimization is no longer the exception, it is the norm. Mobile searches have increased annually. Currently, it stands at 43% of all searches conducted. Your SEO agency can strategize to prominently include mobile optimization.

Content aggregation will become bigger and better. According to recent research 85% of search results on Google include Wiki, maps, news, social media, images, videos. This is how people find relevant information on a particular topic or subject. Content aggregation is displaying content according to pre-specified criteria which appeals to a wider audience. If you plan to display content make certain you collect it from high authority sources and showcase it in one place for your users.


Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine Optimization
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