Be Unique
Angela Soudi

SEO for Niche Markets: How to Optimize and Dominate the Competition in Super Specific Markets

June 10, 2020

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine Optimization

Article Overview

10min read

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a prerequisite for online businesses. With a smart content marketing strategy, you can gain solid organic traffic. However, if you’re in a niche business, you need to rethink your strategy as the number of customers searching for your product or service is low.  Never think that you are the only one business in the world that offers the service or product. You should understand that there are lots of competitors online and the only way you could dominate this market is through a strong SEO campaign that helps you rank in high web searches. Once you’ve hopped that barrier, you have a much better chance of reaching new business goals, such as more conversions, more consumer engagement, and brand differentiation.

For high-quality, effective SEO for your niche market and to optimize your content to increase visibility, drive traffic and dominate the competition in super specific markets, there are several ways you could adopt. They are: 

  • Scope out the Competition

Even in a niche business, you will have competition and it’s important to see what they’re doing differently. Examine if their strategies are working for them and if you can, then adapt them to your own needs. Check which keywords they score high in and which aren’t working. Once you understand their strategies, you’ll be able to know which terms will perform well for your own content.

  • Conduct Thorough Keyword Research


One of the most critical steps for niche SEO is Keyword Research. By doing an effective research on keywords, you can get a sense for how people approach and define your products. By knowing such things, you can optimize your site in a way that accommodates your customers’ own terms, and as a result, it ensures your business ranks higher in search results, giving it a better chance of targeting users who are looking for offerings.

Keywords must have search intent as it refers to the reason behind a search query. Note that when people look for something on the internet, they either want to know more about it, do something about it, or go somewhere. So when applying keywords to your product or service pages, try to include those of a transactional nature such as ‘discount’, ‘deal’, or ‘buy’ along with other relevant keywords such as low-volume, long-tail keywords that are associated with your business. They’ll have a better chance of targeting users who are looking for your offerings.

  • Get a Handle on Technical SEO

The technical aspects of SEO deal with the functionality of your website. As you gain traffic, you need to make sure that your website’s usability isn’t compromised. Optimizing page load time, enabling mobile-friendliness, ensuring security, and adding HTML tags are some of the things to take care of. Remember, the more optimized your website is, the more you can attract users and keep them engaged.

If you’re not still started with technical SEO, focus on these three primary areas first:

1. Conduct a site audit: The very first step towards technical SEO is conducting an audit on your site, look for what needs to be addressed, and start cleaning up your website using certain tools such as Screaming Frog, SEMrush and so on.

2. Get a responsive website: This kind of website will automatically change to accommodate different screen sizes. So, make sure that your website is optimized for mobile devices, as mobile traffic has officially dominated search engines. Hire a full-service website design company with a talented in-house team that helps in developing a website that can be used on both mobile and desktops without any hindrance.  


3. Website Security: As a major ranking factor that recently imposed by Google is website security, get a SSL certificate installed. An SSL secured site receives an SEO boost from Google, as the search engine will display secure sites over non-secure ones first. It also protects sensitive customer information from hackers.

  • Deliver Good Niche-specific Content

No matter how many great keywords you use or how well you optimize your site, if your content isn’t good, your brand won’t resonate with potential customers. Ensure your website delivers good and quality content as it is the driving force for high rankings

When writing, always remember to focus on these things:

1. Put a strong focus on readability.

2. Write short sentences and paragraphs.

3. Break up content with subheadings and bullets.

4. Use facts, data and images.

Try to incorporate relevant visual elements such as images, videos and so on in your content, to make it more engaging.

  • Track and Refine

SEO strategies take time to work and so don’t expect instant results. What you must expect to do is to track your strategies, measure them, and refine them. Use an analytics program to monitor your efforts such as which pages on your website are the most popular, how long visitors stay on your website, lost links, and conversion rates to name a few. This will help you restrategize in areas that aren’t performing well and note those that are.

SEO is the foundation for web traffic and visibility as it needs to appeal to users and search engines alike. You need to give it even more thought when you’re in a niche market in order to stand out. Remember, the more people know about your brand, the more they’re likely to move towards it. And one of the ways to generate that traffic is through smart SEO strategies.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine Optimization
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