How To Successfully Market Your Investment Fund
January 5, 2019
Article Overview
10min read
Investors crave for one thing, and one thing only – Return on Investment (ROI). The problem is, how do you get them to believe that you can give them what they desire. The answer is simple 2-3 crucial points – through transparent, consistent communication, perceived excellence in experience and subtle marketing.
So, here are a few ways to successfully market your investment fund in today’s digital economy.
Have the Right Message: In today’s economy, marketing is all about presenting the right message to the right audience using the right channel. To market investment fund effectively, your messaging mix should focus on the 3 elements of modern marketing – People, Process, and Reputation.
Below is a simple analogy of how this works:
1. People: Investors should be at the heart of your messaging and marketing. Time has changed and it is important that you change your content structure; corporate brochures and white papers are no longer enough. You should make effort to appeal to the digital inclination of today’s investors. Sharing your thought on digital platforms, blogs, and infographics are proven ways to establish thought leadership and endear your firm to investors.
2. Process: There should be a detailed and consistent plan (marketing plan and strategies) on how your marketing would be carried out.
3. Reputation: Successful investors are often risk takers. However, they are shrewd and carry out background checks before investing with an investment fund. Social proofs such as testimonials and client reviews are sure-fire ways to highlight your achievements and experience. In fact, it can help sell your fund to prospective investors. But it should be a value-added benefit, rather than your main point of difference (POD).
Bottom line, your message should be structured to position you as a thought leader and keep your firm at the top of your audience’s (investors’) mind.
Utilize the Right Distribution Channel: The right message in front of the wrong audience is a waste of effort and marketing budget. To effectively disseminate your message, you must identify and utilize the marketing channel that is most suitable for your line of business.
In addition, strong online presence shouldn’t be ignored. Your website should be well-optimized for search engines, investors like most people start their research by Googling a business or service. Your social media accounts should also be consistently updated with the kind of content that your audience cares about.
In our experience, we have found Google Ads to be the most effective for marketing investment funds. In a similar vein, LinkedIn, Twitter, and of course Facebook are good mediums for reaching out to investors.
Know Your Marketing Metrics: Measurability is one of the key merits of digital marketing over the traditional style. If you have the right system in place, you should be able to identify your marketing spend and how that translates into prospects and paying clients at the end of the day. Measuring your marketing metrics will help you understand what is working, and what is not. Armed with such information, you will be able to make future marketing decisions and market investment fund better.
Intelligent fund managers know that effective marketing involves a balance between establishing thought leadership and marketing to the right audience.
If you get these things right, you will be well-placed to deliver great returns to your investors and establish new relationships that may bring you more clients