Do You Want To Have A High Converting Website? What Do They Do Different From You
April 24, 2017
Article Overview
10min readDo you know that very few companies do a test run of their website to see how it would perform in the real world? Most companies nowadays care caught up in the daily grind and have no time to stop and think how their site is converting. What about the companies that seems to have a high converting website? What do they do so differently? Here are some intriguing points to ponder on.
– A compelling headline or a landing page has the attention of your visitors for exactly 0.8 seconds.
– Nearly 95% of visitors who visit your site are not convinced to purchase
– It is the landing pages that get you leads
– A product video is known to increase product purchase by 100%
– If your site delays 1 second in load time, it decreases conversion rate by 7%
The benefit of doing business with you should be clearly mentioned on the homepage or landing page. Other than for the product or service, why are customers purchasing from you? You need to make this clear. What are you offering? Is it free shipping, money back guarantee? Discount? Free demo or an ebook?
Test all calls to action. You cannot expect a call to action to do well without knowing how it will perform. Experiment before putting it out there, use meaningful graphics and effective headlines to grab the attention of your visitors. These little changes will make a difference in conversion. If you want customers to purchase from you, create an effective yet simple design. Remove all obstacles to purchasing. If you ask your customers to fill in long winded answers, you will soon see them running off in search of a less complex site. The fill in form should be direct and straight to the point. People don’t have time to be sitting for half an hour to fill out a form for a simple flower delivery.
Make navigating through web pages easy. Just imagine, if you visit a site and it takes more than a few minutes to load, wouldn’t you feel be frustrated enough to go searching for its competitor? This is a common scenario and happens all the time. A web development company will create easy to navigate web pages so that you don’t have to worry about minor elements that can become major turn offs. In the end, it is not the bigger picture that turns your customers away, it is the tiny niggles that have been overlooked for too long or not being paid enough attention to.